H&A’s construction materials engineering testing (CoMET) services comprise an array of licensed-engineer-directed professional services applied principally for purposes of construction quality assurance and quality control, and operate with CoMET laboratories with the equipment and personnel required to evaluate a variety of construction materials.
Earthwork/Foundation Installation
- Specialty Geotechnical Ground Improvement/Modification
- Conventional Site Preparation and Grading
- Excavation, Fill Placement, Compaction Observation & Testing
- Shallow Foundation Subgrade Observation, Probing, Testing
- Borrow Source Exploration and Testing
- Subdrain and Hydrauger Installations
- Landfill Geomembrane and GCL Flexible Liners, Geotextile Filter, LCRS and Leach Pad Installations
- Temporary Excavation Shoring, Tieback installation and Dewatering
- Geotechnical Laboratory Testing
- Field Instrumentation Installation – Ground Displacements, Pore Pressure, Vibration Monitoring
- Deep Foundation Installation Observation
- Pile Driving/Drilled Shafts/Caissons/Piers
- Vibration Monitoring, Integrity Testing, Special Inspections
Construction Support, Materials Testing & Inspections
- Reinforced Concrete
- Pre-Stressed Concrete
- Asphaltic Concrete
- Soil-Cement and Cement-Sand Slurry
- Reinforced Masonry
- Structural Steel
- Welding
- Fireproofing
Public Infrastructure Inspection
- City of Los Angeles Soils/Grading Deputy Inspectors
- Certified Public Infrastructure Inspections (CPII)
- Observation, Measurement, Testing & Documentation
- Compliance with plans and specification of public infrastructure and facility construction
- Vibration & Noise Consulting

Biosolids Composting Facility
Performed subsurface investigation and geotechnical engineering evaluation for the proposed receiving/mixing complex, water treatment and storage facilities, maintenance building, electrical substation, and other ancillary structures.
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Port of Los Angeles Industrial Facility
Evaluated general subsurface soil conditions at an industrial site, including assessment of the site-specific liquefaction potential, earthquake-induced reconsolidation settlements & lateral spreads, and provided a geotechnical report with recommendations.
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