What We Do
Hamilton & Associates geotechnical/geologic engineering services are provided at the feasibility-level planning, design and construction stages, as well as post-construction monitoring where required for a wide spectrum of infrastructure, industrial, commercial and residential projects. We typically assist our clients in performing site investigations and construction monitoring and material testing and help them to manage project risks in difficult terrains and handle complex field logistics.
We assist in gathering and reviewing historical site records, geologic data and conduct field exploration, in-situ testing and geotechnical laboratory testing programs, characterizing subsurface stratigraphy, groundwater conditions and material properties, selecting design parameters and providing alternative options for site preparation, earthwork and foundation systems, and ground improvement/modification where needed. During the construction phase, we provide geotechnical monitoring and engineering support from the simplest to the most challenging sites and regulatory environments.
How We Work
Through the comprehensiveness and cost-effectiveness of our geotechnical engineering services, we offer clients problem-solving innovation of our experienced, industry-recognized professionals, and quick response to help them gain a competitive advantage.
Who We Work With
Hamilton & Associates provides geotechnical engineering solutions to numerous infrastructure, industrial, commercial and residential clients. This includes cities, municipalities, A/E (Architect/Engineering) firms, developers, general contractors and other clients throughout California and the southwestern US. We offer support on projects of a wide range of sizes and degree of complexity.
We strive to provide quick response and innovative solutions. Whenever necessary H&A will partner with selected specialty firms in pursue of projects with a uniquely complex field logistics and/or necessitating a very large and rapid deployment of resources to meet either stablished deadlines and objectives, or cutting-edge technology requirements.